Modal props

All modal props

Default props
nameStringYesUnique modal name
draggableBooleanfalseManuallyEnable draggable for the modal
resizableBooleanfalseManuallyEnable resizable for the modal
fullscreenBooleanfalseManuallyOpen modal in fullscreen mode
widthString400pxManuallyModal width value in percentages (%) or pixels (px)
heightString350pxManuallyModal height value in percentages (%) or pixels (px)
submit-form-before-closeBooleantrueManuallyEnable submit form before close modal
close-modal-on-escapeBooleantrueManuallyClose modal on click escape
Manually customize props
bottom-buttons-container-classStringManuallyModal bottom buttons container custom classes
close-button-textStringCloseManuallyCustom text to default bottom close button
top-close-icon-container-classStringManuallyModal top button container custom classes
top-close-icon-classStringManuallyTop modal close button icon class
buttonsArrayManuallyAdd your custom buttons to modal.
Learn how to add buttons
backgroundString#ffffffManuallyAdd custom background color to modal this property accepts format hex